The Unsatisfying Orgasm

The Unsatisfying Orgasm

Posted by Miranda Wilkerson BSN Certified Sexpert on Dec 6th 2021

I am here to tell you that not all orgasms are satisfying… You are wondering how can that be I’m sure.Let me explain… Orgasms are great and they definitely help me to release tension. Anyone that kn … read more
Orgasmic Hype

Orgasmic Hype

Posted by Miranda Wilkerson - BSN Certified Sexpert on Sep 23rd 2021

What does having a orgasm mean to you? Is it still considered great sex if you do not have one? Do you feel inadequate if you cannot achieve one? If so why?Society tends to put a lot of “hype” into … read more
Fantasy Play

Fantasy Play

Posted by Miranda Wilkerson - BSN Certified Sexpert on Sep 23rd 2021

Its time to unwind and get inside your mind to where your thoughts and fantasies are created.Did you know that having sexual fantasies is healthy for your sex life? Dreaming or fantasizing is not an i … read more
Prime The Pussy

Prime The Pussy

Posted by Miranda Wilkerson - BSN Certified Sexpert on Sep 23rd 2021

“If you take the time to self-pleasure, your pussy will stay primed and ready.” It’s summer time and we naturally become hedonistic. People date more and for a lot of single women you are coming off … read more