Prime The Pussy
Posted by Miranda Wilkerson - BSN Certified Sexpert on Sep 22nd 2021
“If you take the time to self-pleasure, your pussy will stay primed and ready.”
It’s summer time and we naturally become hedonistic. People date more and for a lot of single women you are coming off of hiatus . The saying “If you don’t use , it you lose it” holds to be true. Especially as you get older. Your pussy needs to be primed. Masturbation is a healthy way of keeping you primed. It keep the blood flowing increasing your lubrication and it keeps you in a state of being able to maintain great orgasms.
When you go cold turkey for 6 months plus the yoni shuts down and hibernates. Then when you decide to encounter a sexual relationship things can get awkward. Now your expecting your partner to give you the ultimate orgasm. You may take longer to get wet and orgasm. If you have been on hiatus, prime your pussy (i.e. Self-pleasure) before you decide to become intimate. Grab your favorite Yoni Wand and give yourself pussy massages to get your circulation flowing, release any tension and to increase your lubrication .
You can also have your partner prime you by massaging your pussy as you allow yourself to become full with desire and anticipation. I do not suggest frequent use with a vibrator as that can give u high expectations and prohibit you from orgasming with your partner. Manual pleasure is key. It’s natural.
If you take time to self-pleasure, your pussy will stay primed and ready. Your session will be a lot better.